Home » The Golden Age Teachings

A course for the new Era
‘The Golden Age Teachings’ is a special path in the Aquarius age with new teachings about this special times and how you can live it. On December 21, 2020, we have officially shifted to the new era, which is known from ancient times as The Great Golden Age for mankind. Peoples from all over the world have been talking for centuries about the Aquarius era and the spiritual development that comes with it, about the magic that will be released and the opportunity for people to develop to their full potential. You will have the opportunity to develop from an uncut stone to a radiant universal diamond with unlimited knowledge and full awareness about your inner powers, provided that is what you really want.
In this course, Freya Giza and Don Rodolfo share their combined knowledge of more than 30 years about a.o. consciousness, magic, energy, the law of attraction, and recognizing and signaling limiting beliefs. This course is a unique fusion of esoteric knowledge from different cultures including the Indian and Toltec (Toltecs are known as consciousness masters). The meditations, energy transfers and teachings have been bundled into a magical training which offers an abundance of possibilities, possibilities that your will experience from your whole being. The 21 aspects of awakening will be touched upon which will have a strong transformative effect on your life. Your presence here on earth can have a positive effect in the great changes that will take place in the world, for both yourself and the people around you.
Many teachings and mediations that we are going to put into practice are also scientifically backed by Quantum Physics, something that we will also address and show during the course.
The new-era teachings of the Aquarius Golden Age are intended to expand your consciousness and self-knowledge in such a way that you have the opportunity to live your life from truth and freedom, free of your inner limitations.
The teachings of the Aquarius Golden Age is intended to increase your awareness, expand consciousness and self-knowledge to ultimately experience full liberation from inner suffering; free yourself from limitations, or better said the limitations of the matrix as we know it. We are so indoctrinated that 95% of humanity does not even recognize this suffering as suffering, but considers it as normal. We will help and guide you to eventually step out of the matrix of suffering so that you are able to experience oneness with yourself and the universe, with all there is. These teachings are designed for full awakening, up to God Realisation. All powers of your own consciousness will be tapped into and these will be united with your inner Source/Father/Mother/God/Divine. By uniting these two aspects with the Golden Age teachings and meditations, you will develop as a truly powerful being of unprecedented level.

Training in consciousness
With these Golden Age Teachings we will continue in a different way with the Mahatma Avatar of Synthesis Master than with the Mahatma Advanced courses. The latter are all focused on energy work. Of course, the development in energy work is also accompanied by a transformation in consciousness, but it is not where we focus on during these courses. This transformation of consciousness can be experienced as major, but it is essentially only a small shift. The Golden Age Teachings – Aquarius Mahatma Classes is a course that focuses entirely on consciousness, where we focus on the Know Thyself principle and the development of the I-consciousness towards one consciousness. For that reason, the Mahatma Avatar of Synthesis Master is the pre-training requirement to participate in this intense and powerful course focused on the development of your Multi-Dimensional consciousness. The Mahatma Avatar of Synthesis Master will build the foundation if you want to follow these Golden Age teachings and development of your consciousness will start.
Pioneers of The Golden Age
The Golden Age Teachings – Aquarius Mahatma Classes’ prepare you for the Golden Age in which you will be a pioneer for future teachers in multi-dimensional mystical consciousness and spirituality. You are, as it were, setting the new Divine Universal Blueprint of the Golden Age in which you will experience joy/bliss, inner freedom, abundance, transcedence, mystical and cosmic one consciousness from a state of being at an unparalleled level. You can manifest yourself to help humanity move towards a higher cosmic plan of existence. When you do so, people will experience and like to keep company with you as spiritual leader and role model. You will inspire people to want to do exactly what you do and that is exactly what we need in these times. That is the way it has always been done by the great masters of their time, great role models for us to speak about like Saint Germain, Sananda, Quan Yin, Buddha, Shiva, etc. They all were the pioneers of their time and have had their part in the further development of the world and humanity we are facing now.
21 Conditions of awakening
On this journey of awakening and towards the highest state of consciousness, you will experience the 21 conditions of awakening. During the 4 year course you will embody and experience a number of these 21 points in each level. Which and when is different for everyone.
No suffering
No past, no future
No discontentment
No fear
Not feeling hurt or offenced
Nobody executes control
No conflict
No image/persona
No disturbing thoughts
No judgement
No daydreams
12. Separation from the mind
13. Feeling empty
14. Feeling complete
15. Feeling joy without reason
16. Love without conditions
17. Feeling wonder
18. Feeling that everything goes automatically
19. Feeling that everything is perfect as it is
20. Experience inner silence
21. Experience the truth as it is without chatter
No suffering
No past, no future
No discontentment
No fear
Not feeling hurt or offenced
Nobody executes control
No conflict
No image/persona
No disturbing thoughts
No judgement
No daydreams
- Separation from the mind
- Feeling empty
- Feeling complete
- Feeling joy without reason
- Love without conditions
- Feeling wonder
- Feeling that everything goes automatically
- Feeling that everything is perfect as it is
- Experience inner silence
- Experience the truth as it is without chatter
Is this course for me?
In the Golden Age Teachings you will learn how you can use the new age consciousness through various esoteric mediations and teachings. These meditations bring inner peace, balance, insights, strengthening your consciousness and connection to the Source/Father/Mother/God the Divine. You make space in your conscious mind to get more out of life. This course is designed for those who truly want to break free from the matrix as we know it, the one from inner suffering – what is known as the I-consciousness in Toltec tradition – and make the step towards one consciousness where magic is possible. It for those who want to experience full awakening. To make this journey you must be prepared to dig deep, you need the courage to observe yourself from a place of honesty and truth and show unconditional commitment to yourself and to all mankind. Your contribution defines your development. Of course there will be the necessary homework and you will have to practice certain meditations on a daily basis. If you do so consistently, you will develop yourself on an unprecedented level towards awakening and enlightenment, up to God realization, where the impossible becomes possible. This requires courage, truth, strength, determination and perseverance.
The levels
This course is a powerful and extraordinarily magical journey to get to know and control the true power of your consciousness. It is a journey of inner transformation, love, leadership, transcendence and to cosmic one consciousness. This journey to awakening and God realization has four levels. Each level is based in 4 training weekends which will be given in a timeline of one year so you are able to integrate and practice all content. The entire training consists of a course that spreads over 4 years.
One Consciousness
The first year of The Golden Age Teachings, the focus is on the inner research into the I-consciousness and the awakening of the one consciousness. During the first level you will take a journey inwards to get to know yourself better and to see your inner truth. You will become aware of how you can make the shift from the I consciousness to the one consciousness and make use of your inner manifestation power. The abundance consciousness will awaken in you and you will learn how to manifest from a one consciousness state of mind where there is joy, love, connection, and compassion and where you are fully present in the now. You will create synchronicities and prosperity at every level you desire and experience all sorts of abundance in your life.
The impossible becomes possible because it happens from the one consciousness where there is no limitation. In this level you will learn very powerful and profound meditations that go hand in hand with teachings that learn you all about yourself. This Level 1 Practitioner: One Consciousness is based on 4 separate weekends, each lasting 3 days. The exact content of the weekends will not be communicated in advance to ensure that everyone will start the training unbiased and without any expectations so that we can tap into deeper layers of consciousness and you can gain insight into your I-consciousness. You will be in your own driving seat and design your own life.
When you have registered and the training starts, you will get access to an encrypted page on the O.C. Academy website where you can find and use the meditations for daily practice for your personal process of transformation.
- 4 Live training weekends of 3 days each.
- 3 Online group coaching sessions.
- Access an encrypted page on the website.
- Daily support for your processes in the form of guided meditations and self-enquiry.
- Daily and weekly contemplations to spark consciousness.
- Access to a private Telegram group with your fellow participants of level 1.
- Certificate
Investment in yourself: € 2097,-
Now only €1797,-
Love Consciousness
After you have finished the first level: One Consciousness, it becomes possible for you to take part in the second level of this consciousness journey: Love Consciousness. From the love consciousness we are going to work with in this level, one is able to help others from a deep state of love to transform inner processes. You become someone who changes your environment from the state of one consciousness. Merely your presence or touch can have this effect. Of course you can give the necessary teachings and guidance if you wish and help people further on their way. Your relationships will transform and great inner leadership will develop at a masterful level.
You will have the power and insight to see through and influence the Matrix of life. Your state of one consciousness will be raised to a higher level during this year, allowing you to vibrate in the love consciousness. You will undergo powerful transformative processes and meditations that take you deep inside your inner world to bring the necessary transformation into the outer world, for everything that is going on within you will shine outwards and help transform and support the people around you. This level also consists of 4 separate weekends of 3 days each.
- 4 Live training weekends of 3 days each.
- 3 Online group coaching sessions.
- Access an encrypted page on the website.
- Daily support for your processes in the form of guided meditations and self-enquiry.
- Contemplations and homework assignments spark consciousness.
- Access to a private Telegram group with your fellow participants of level 2.
- Certificate
Investment in yourself: € 2197,-
Now only € 1897,-
Multi Dimensional Consciousness
After completing the second level, it becomes possible to participate in this third and very intense level: Multi-Dimensional Consciousness. This powerful and transformative level consists of 6 sessions, where you will be challenged and guided to go much further beyond suffering and transcend it. You will learn to see through the illusions of separation and enter an even higher state of awakening, where separation and duality are no longer experienced as before. This opens the door to a consciousness where you can access other worlds and have various mystical experiences. Gradually, you will literally start to step out of the matrix, where complete inner freedom can be experienced; you will transcend to a mystical state of consciousness.
In this level, various meditations will be covered that will give you insights into suffering and how to overcome it from a high state of awakening. The experience of unity consciousness will also increase significantly. Together with your inner Divine Trinity Power, we will tap into deep inner layers that were previously invisible and inaccessible. Your consciousness is literally transcending all experiences.
Approximately halfway through this level, we will transition to the next level, where we will work from the Multi-Dimensional Consciousness of the Golden Age. Under our guidance, you will experience various deep meditative levels, learn to release masks (personalities, programs), and plant seeds for profound shifts in consciousness through magical ceremonies. These processes will all take place under the supervision and guidance of Nagual & Santero Don Rodolfo and will bring you to the next level. Once you reach this stage, you will be established in a very high state of cosmic unity consciousness with all living things. You will move toward God-realization, and your energy frequency will have a significant and positive impact on your environment, causing problems to resolve themselves and broken relationships to heal naturally. Armed with great esoteric wisdom, living in a higher state of consciousness & frequency, immersed in the power of the Source/Father/Mother/God the Divine that supports you 24 hours a day, you will be a great example for humanity and the world. You will literally be a pillar of Divine consciousness with a vast reach to help and support people in their processes; this is the level of the Golden Age Teacher. Everything you have learned in the previous levels will increase many times over in power and consciousness during this level. You will know the secret of God-realization, the secret of all possible relationships and the inner self, and how to step out of the Matrix. This is a very special process and experience.
You will also learn powerful consciousness meditations that will connect you with your inner Source/Father/Mother/God the Divine to elevate yourself and your surroundings to a higher level of existence. You will then be & become the wheel of life.
The exact content of the training will not be revealed in advance, so everyone can enter the training without any expectations, allowing us to tap into, activate, and harness deeper layers of consciousness and power for the right outcome, enabling you to reach the Golden Age Teacher level.
What Nagual Don Rodolfo has been telling his students for years:
“Who and what do you want to be, and what do you want to mean to humanity?”
Investment in yourself: €3597 €2997,-
- This training consists of 6 intense sessions.
- Access to an encrypted page on the website.
- Daily support for your processes in the form of guided meditations and self-inquiry.
- Access to a private Telegram group with your fellow participants of level 3.
- Certificate of participation.

This course is given by:

Don Rodolfo

Freya Giza

Calendar & registration
Duration: Each level is based on live training weekends during one year.
Investment: Differs per level. It is possible to pay per level in 4 equivalent payments terms.
The levels are subsequent and after each passed level you will receive a certificate.
Required preliminary training: Mahatma Avatar of Synthesis Master
When one of the levels is scheduled it will appear below. Click the link for more information and to register.
This course is not yet scheduled. Keep an eye on the website or sign up for our newsletter to stay informed.
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Online environment
During The Golden Age Teachings you get access to the online environment that accompanies the level you follow. Here you will a.o. find the guided meditations that have been treated during the training. Also practical assignments and contemplations are offered that will match the last training weekend. Use the online environment for daily practice for your personal transformation process.
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