Home » Psychic courses » Inner Mastery Intensive
Open up potential.
Unlock hidden information.

Develop your clairvoyant abilities.
Everyone is born with psychic abilities, you only have to be willing to develop them. During this 3 day Inner Mastery Intensive you will be introduced to you natural psychic abilities and you will learn how to use them. In a fun way we will guide you with the development of these hidden powers and you will learn how to give a ‘reading’. Know that everyone can develop this skill so it is not necessary to have any previous experience with readings.
Often people tend to think that clairvoyance is a standalone gift, but nothing could be further from the truth. Clairvoyance goes hand in hand with clairsentience, claircognizance and intuition. During this course you’ll develop a sensitivity that will give you access to the energetic world, so that you will see/feel/know images and will learn how these should be interpreted. During the training we will use different techniques to stretch and enhance your inner capabilities. Besides that you’ll receive multiple tools to receive psychic information in another way. For example, we will be working with ‘mind mapping’ so that you can read information from a person in different ways.
For most of the training we’ll be working in pairs which we’ll switch up the entire day so you can practice with different people to fully integrate the lessons. In this three days we will work intensively on developing your psychic abilities: clairvoyance, clairsentience, claircognizance and intuition.
Based on more than 30 years experience, Don Rodolfo will share his knowledge, teachings and practical case studies. The Inner Mastery Intensive is a must for those who want to develop their psychic abilities into mastery.

All benefits in a row
These 3 intensive days will cover:
- Exploration of your natural clairvoyant abilities. Clairvoyance is one with clairsentience, claircognizance and intuition
- Reading information from a person or an animal, both living and deceased. Obtain information without a spoken word.
- See past, present and future. Introduction to the ability of premonitions; to see, know or feel what is going to happen before it takes place. The energy in the atmosphere is bundled into images that become visible through the third eye of a person. These images contain information that could tell something about the future but also the past or present.
- Seeing images at objects (psychometry). The ability to read, feel and interpret different energies of an object, for example a photo or other personal belongings. The radiation and emotions of the person who owns it (or used to own it) are, as it were, sticking to the object. You can see this energy in images. Visual perception of energy happens almost automatically. If you are visiting a powerful place (for example Stonehenge, England) you can also see images from the past when you touch ancient rocks or other power tools. In this way you can study the history of that location which is really valuable. The whole world will become your play field.
- Looking into the human body and diagnose illnesses of the organs. This is very useful when you are doing healing work.
- Remote viewing of situations or obstacles. These are techniques that are used, among other things, by certain espionage networks.
- To put what you’ve learned into practice in a demonstration for the group.
- After this Inner Mastery Intensive you will become much more sensitive and intuitive and your abilities will be stretched out to a maximum. In practice this means that it will be easier to integrate into your daily life, for example when making difficult decisions.
- Learn all off this directly from Don Rodolfo who is a renowned great master of psychic readings with over 30 years of experience.

Calendar & registration
Duration: 3 days
Time: from 9:00 till 17:00
Investment: €350,-
Certificate included
Required preliminary training: Mahatma Avatar of Synthesis Master
Do you want to repeat this course to refresh and deepen your skills? This can be done for €195,- Please contact us for this rate.
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