Home » Psychic courses » Inner Mastery Advanced

Develop your abilities as a medium
This three day Inner Mastery Advanced is focused on the development of your psychic abilities and to combine these with the clairvoyance that you have developed at the Inner Mastery Intensive. The Inner Mastery Intensive is therefore the prerequisite for this training.
As a medium, you are the messenger between the spiritual world and our physical world. The energy in the spiritual wold has a different frequency than ours. A medium tunes in on the frequency and receives information. You can compare this with catching sound waves with a radio antenna and a radio which converts the waves into a sound everyone can hear. An experienced medium proves in a integer, loving and convincing way that life continues after death and that your loved ones will not disappear into nothing.
As a medium, you are actually a messenger between the spiritual world and our physical world. The energy in the spiritual world has a different frequency than ours. A medium adjusts his or her energy to that frequency and thus receives information. It is similar to a radio antenna that captures sound waves and a radio that makes the sound audible to everyone. A good medium proves in an honest, loving and convincing way that life goes on after death and that your deceased loved ones do not solve in nothing.
During this course we will briefly focus on your clairvoyant abilities so you can use them in addition to your mediamical abilities, whereas we will spend 80% of our time and energy. You will learn how to contact entities and how to communicate with these entities and convey their message to this world. We will stretch our powers so it will become easier to collect the information from the collective of the spiritual realm. After this three day training you will be capable to use your abilities as a medium and share all relevant information with the people who are in need of your help.
In three days you will be trained to become Medium and after the training you will be capable to work as Medium independently. This training is beautiful, exciting and playful but at the same time serious and is intended for those who really want to develop their paranormal medium skills at a high level. By developing your capabilities as a medium, it will be much easier to channel as well
Are you excited to communicate with spirits or other intelligence? Then this Inner Mastery Advanced course is spot on for you.
This training is also an absolute must for those who are engaged in ascension/energy work and/or shamanism so that the connection with the forces of nature, elements and spirits can be increased. The combination of the paranormal courses offered by One Consciousness Academy ensure that you develop a sensitive alignment with yourself and all the elements, which leads to a deeper level of consciousness.

Calendar & registration
Duration: 3 days
Time: from 9:00 till 17:00
Investment: €397,-
Certificate included
Required preliminary training: Mahatma Avatar of Synthesis Master & Inner Mastery Intensive
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