Inspiring others to deepen

Inspiring others to deepen

During the last 2 years many have had some sort of awakening. A growing awareness that caused certain blinders to fall off and you suddenly became aware of deeper layers in yourself and society. For some, this ‘awakening’ came as a slap in the face and sometimes it arose from a naturally flowing process of insights. The fact is that there is a growing group of people on Earth who are beginning to poke through the daily illusions that we have all lived in for so long. It is an inevitable effect of The Golden Age of Aquarius. But the more you start to see and understand, the more frustrating it can be when your loved ones don’t experience the same thing (yet). Sometimes you may have the urge to shake someone up and yell that they need to wake up, or maybe you have even done that in a moment of emotion, but you don’t have to be an Einstein or an expert to know that that is a tactic that does not work out well. The only result of this is that the person puts up a wall to shut you and what you stand for out.

So how can you approach the other person to help them become (more) aware? The fact is that you cannot force or impose anything on someone else. When something is done out of domination or dominance, even with the best of intentions, the other naturally reacts in resistance and defense. For one this turns out to be anger and counterattacks, another can withdraw into onself and completely shut down from your presence. It has to do with the involuntary physiological changes that take place in the body and mind when a person feels threatened. We know this as the fight, flight or freeze response. So even when someone seems to be quietly listening to your story, it may just be that none of your words come across.
The key point in this response is condemnation. A judgment about the state of consciousness that the other is in that comes through in your approach, feels as an unsafe situation to the other. After all, you undermine the world view that provides them with security, what is known and to which they attach their self-image. Having compassion for the other person’s state of being, a state in which you yourself may have lived not so long ago, is therefore the first step towards a positive approach in which connection is possible. Don’t make it a goal to change others – that creates unbalanced energy in your relationships – but focus on your own development. In other words – you do you.

Real growth can only arise from an intrinsic motivation/movement. Someone has to want to deepen and explore for themselves. That applies to all growth, but especially when we talk about something as basic as consciousness, which determines your entire perception and experience of life.
You can excite and stimulate the intrinsic motivation by inspiring. By simply being yourself, you can help the people in your life see a living example of consciousness.

Some practical tips to help others grow in consciousness

  1. By living your values ​​and truth, you can become a source of inspiration for others. Don’t hide – express yourself and embrace life unreservedly. Others may want to learn more about conscious living, but don’t know how to get started. By simply being yourself, you can help the people in your life see how one person can make a difference by being a living example of consciousness.
  2. By recognizing and acknowledging the value of everyone you meet, you can teach them to value others. Sometimes the easiest way to encourage people to respect others is to respect themselves first – even when they are challenging.
  3. Share your vision casually and in a non-dogmatic way. Don’t make it a sermon or monologue in which only you are speaking. Save space for the people you speak with to ask questions. And only share as much information as they are ready to receive.
  4. Casually point out the interconnectedness of all living beings using concrete, everyday examples. Many people are unaware of the impact of their actions on the world and are intrigued when they learn about the power they possess.
  5. Lighting the fuse of intrinsic motivation can happen as simply as giving someone a gift. For example, donating a favorite book or something else of spiritual value to you can pique the curiosity of your loved ones and prompt them to begin an exploration of consciousness.
  6. Teaching a friend, family member, or co-worker to meditate can put them on the path to consciousness. The experience can touch them in a profound way or introduce them to a new spiritual path. An additional plus is that you teach them to lower their stress level at the same time, something we can all use in hectic times.
  7. Introduce your loved ones to conscious living in a light-hearted and enjoyable way. Serve up honest organic recipes at gatherings, volunteer as a group and show them how wonderful it can be to be truly aware and connected to the universe.



Freya Giza Melchizedek

Freya Giza Melchizedek

Founder & Teacher of One Consciousness Academy